12tb August 2004

Participants: B. Gill (Pres)

T.Troughton (1st V.P.)

E. Evans (Sec)

L. Eloy (Treas)

M. Sousa (Quebec)

E. Chies (BC)

W. Hoyle (Hon Life Member)

K. Jones (CSA Ref Committee)

J. Knox ( Ontario Soccer Assoc)


B.C. Report:

Elvio Chies reported that the BCSRA has been busy hosting visiting officials for a World Cup qualifier and the International Pacific Cup recently. Their Association has decided to follow BC Soccer's lead with respect to on-line registration and will undergo a trial run this year. A special levy has been introduced mat will help offset the cost of on-line membership as well as a commerative coin to celebrate BCSRA's 35th anniversary. The U-14/15 All Star championships had been held in BC.

Alberta: Report

Kevin Jones indicated a World Cup qualifier will be held in Edmonton in September and the National Club U-18 Championships will be hosted over the Thanksgiving weekend. The Rocky Mountain Cup had recently been held with officials coining in from outside the province. The A-League continues to operate out of Edmonton but under different management. Kevin reported that he had sent an e-mail to Mike Seifert regarding the health of Kieran McGanigle who has been diagnosed with cancer.


Saskatchewan Report:

Kevin Jones reported on recent activities. Willy Laidlaw was in charge of all the officials when Saskatchewan hosted the All Star Girls' Championships and Sonia Denoncourt had acted in the capacity of mentor. On 3rd August 3 major tournaments had been held that fully stretched the officials to the limit. The is no word from Jimmy Nicholson regarding his efforts to re-start the provincial referee association.

Manitoba Report:

Larry Eloy gave the report.   The outdoor season has been flu own into disarray because they had snow in May that caused over 1000 games to be postponed. Extremely wet weather has seen another 500 games also be postponed. There simply isn't enough officials to cover all the games scheduled for August. Two MSRA members have been suspended and another 6 reprimanded for repeatedly failing to show for appointments/late arrival or failing to submit game reports etc. The monthly education sessions are on going that require a 75% attendance rate - 2 sessions are mandatory. Hector Vergara is in Athens at the Olympics. The provincial Cup play-offs are underway and a squad of officials has been appointed to cover all the games. Indoor tournaments has seen an increase in abuse of officials etc and the MSRA has submitted a policy paper to Manitoba Soccer making the teams responsible for the safety of officials before, during and after each game.

Ontario Report:

Basil Gill read a report provided by Joe Licandro. The date for the CSRA annual general meeting has been confirmed for 22nd January. Several venues are still being investigated. The OSRA will hold their own AGM on 21st November. Membership in the OSRA is currently 800 and there will be one more Council meeting before the AGM in November. Jim Lefkos of Toronto will be one of the Olympic torchbearers on the Cyprus leg of the torch journey to Athens. Eric Evans provided some brief details of the pilot project being run for the new regional development program involving referee evaluation and advisory services that will be operated province wide next year. The program involves evaluators that are paid contract employees of the OSA. The next phase will see instructors be employed in the same manner. The final phase will see game schedulers become registrants of the OSA subject to increase scrutiny and accountability.

Quebec Report:

Manuel Sousa provided details: Manuel indicated that they have a similar scheme in Quebec that involves a select group but will also go province wide next year. There are approx. 5000 registered officials in the province. They also have been using videotaping of officials during games to eliminate a number of undesirable habits etc. and analyze performances of officials. Manuel has been invited to go to the USA Cup next year as an assessor. He plans to take several of the young Nominated National referees from Quebec if they are available. Quebec has two female N.N.referees. At the moment there doesn't appear to be much chance of Quebec officials forming an association that would join the CSRA. Manuel asked Kevin Jones about the funding arrangements which was supposed to enable referees in the A-League travel out of their own province. Kevin indicated that the league only made available a fixed sum to the CSA. This had hampered the original idea of switching the officials around.

Secretary's Report:

Eric Evans indicated that every official on the National Program had received a second reminder about the John B. Meachin Award. Donations of $100 had been received from each of the CSA and BC Soccer. Each provincial referee association was urged to contribute and urge their respective provincial soccer association to donate too. Alberta was encouraged to donate this year as they hadn't done so last year. Hector Vergara had been unable to go to Lima, Peru, as originally planned as he had changed jobs and now works for Manitoba Soccer. He mentioned that the CSRA and the OSRA should coordinate their respective guest speakers to avoid both selecting Denise Robinson who has been to the Pan Am Games, Women's World Cup and now the Olympics in less man 12 months. Manuel asked Eric to provide as much information on the Fund and Award as possible so that he could approach the Quebec Soccer Federation.

Treasurer's Report:

Larry Eloy indicated that he hasn't sent out the invoices for the 2004 subscriptions yet but would do so in about 3 weeks. The CIBC had managed to lose all the documents involving signing authority of the separate account for the Meachin Award, requiring the process to commence all over again.

Our bank account stands at $1702.89 exclusive of the $6000 or so set aside for the Meachin Fund. Larry is recommending a fee increase of 50 cents for 2006. This would see the fee increase from $3.00 to $3.50 per member.

John Knox, Vice President of the Ontario Soccer Association had been listening during the conference call and said it had been very interesting to hear accounts from all across Canada.

Eric Evans mentioned the FIFA question and Answer Book that appears on the FIFA web site. Some of the answers would imply that there had been changes in the interpretation of the laws without them being specifically covered by a FIFA circular dealing them. The problem really stems from the re-writing of the law book after 1996 and no mention of these alleged new interpretations until now. It was suggested that he write with the specific details to Cathy at the CSA for the Referee Committee to discuss.

Conference ended after 85 minutes

E. Evans Secretary


Canadian Soccer Referees' Association
Canadienne Des Arbitres De Soccer